Portal Friki is your blog about Anime and Manga by excellence.
We publish

and in the same way it is also a blog about anime focused quite strongly on

Geek Portal is the first anime blog to publish a official book compiling different teachings from anime and manga, and in this way We have built a small pillar in Spanish speaking focused on pouring all the motivation and improvement that anime inspires in us into professional content. that focuses all these teachings towards a specific objective: the Personal development.

This anime blog is guided by strong values of honesty, commitment and quality. That is why we always try to get the best out of each work, whether anime, manga or manhwa, and we give it extra value by giving it an intellectual approach and personal reflection aimed at the personal growth of each reader from this blog about anime and manga.

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Discovering the anime universe:

Your door to everything related to anime Blog

Welcome to the captivating world of anime, where vibrant characters, intricate plots, and stunning art converge. If you are an anime enthusiast, you are about to embark on an exciting journey. And if you're looking for the ultimate destination to quench your anime thirst, look no further than Portal Friki, our Anime Blog.


Exploring the world of anime blog

Our anime blog is not a page for just any fans. We are a team of anime fans passionate about sharing our love for this captivating art form with the world. But what makes our anime blog stand out from the rest? Let's find out:

1. Anime Entries Crafted by Experts

On our anime blog, we pride ourselves on having a wide variety of articles that delve into the world of anime. We talk about everything, from classic series that have stood the test of time to the latest releases that have made fans vibrate. Our posts are meticulously crafted to bring you insightful analysis, reviews and thought-provoking discussions.

2. Beyond anime: Curiosities, News, Tops and Recommendations

Although “anime blog” is our primary focus, we understand that the anime community is diverse and yearns for more than just episode reviews. That's why we do our best to combine anime posts with trivia, news, top 10 lists, and high-quality recommendations. Whether you're looking for the latest anime industry gossip or looking for hidden gems to add to your viewing list, our blog has you covered.

3. Commitment to the community

Our anime blog is not a one-way street. We are a vibrant community where anime enthusiasts from all walks of life come together to talk about their favorite series, share their opinions, and connect with like-minded people. Your voice counts here, and your opinions enrich our discussions. Do you want to join the community Newsletter? You will receive a daily message through WhatsApp related to self-improvement, anime and manga.

4. Real-time updates

In the fast-paced world of anime, staying informed is crucial. Our blog provides real-time updates on new releases, conventions and events. You won't miss a single beat of the anime industry if you are part of our community.
Live anime like never before

Are you ready to dive headfirst into the anime universe? 

Join us on our anime blog and take your anime experience to new heights. Our SEO optimized content ensures that you will find the information you are looking for effortlessly.

Explore, participate and enrich your anime journey with us. From anime reviews to industry news, trivia and top 10 lists, we've got you covered. Welcome to the anime blog par excellence