Digimon Mega + (Unofficial) – The Most Powerful Digimon

Of all the most powerful Digimon Only a few species stand out above them, far surpassing any Digimon in the Mega stage.

Although the Digimon that belong to the Mega stage They were the pinnacle of digivolutions and in most cases encompassed enough power to endanger the entire universe, in the latter ranking of Digimon We will talk about entities (many are not even Digimons although they are part of the Digital World in one way or another) capable of destroying the entire multiverse.

When a threat of this caliber arises, several Mega Digimon have to come together to try to stop or contain this danger.

nivel mega y su ranking escalas de poder y fuerza
Quartzmon creates several clones of other Digimon with power equivalent to the stages Supremes.

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Top 8 Most Powerful Digimon in the Multiverse


quartzmon, un digimon con solo medio núcleo digital

Perhaps it is the weakest among the most powerful Digimon: It is a digimon with only half a digital core, which gets rid of its enemies by making them explode from the inside, and anyone who comes into contact with it will be disintegrated. Its most characteristic ability allows it to recreate any other Digimon at will.

Mega Darkness Bagramon

mega darkness bagramon, uno de los digimon más poderosos conocidos

Among the most powerful Digimon we find the fusion of two Supreme level Digimon with a piece of Ygdrassil. It has the ability to transform almost any Digimon that approaches it into a minion. He can instantly erase the data of his enemies by flapping his wings and absorbing power from the Digital World itself.

Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode

shoutmon x7 superior mode, la fusión de todos los digimon con buen corazón

Also among the most powerful Digimon we find the one that was able to defeat Mega Darkness Bagramon. The fusion of all Digimon with a good heart, capable of defeating other Mega level Digimon with a single blow.


shakamon, el digimon más cercano a Ygdrassil

It is said that he is the closest Digimon to Ygdrassil, the God of the Digital World, and that no Digimon can escape even the palm of his hand. He/She is in charge of making the Digital World evolve. It is undoubtedly one of the most powerful Digimon.


dexmon, una entidad que no puede morir

In this position of the most powerful Digimon we find the first individual that cannot be classified as a Digimon because it does not have a digital core, and its only function in the world is to absorb cores.

It has no material body, so it cannot be harmed, and it takes the life of any Digimon nearby. Despite this, his digi-soul was able to be contained within the Digital World, keeping him away from any living being.


zeedmillenniummon, el digimon más temido y poderoso de todos

Without a doubt, it is among the most powerful Digimon in the entire multiverse: Able to move freely throughout time, space and the multiverse, and absorb everything that comes close to it. Thanks to the chains that surround him, his power is limited to that, so he is like a black hole with infinite mobility; But if his chains break, the entire multiverse will be in danger. The question is: Who managed to chain him?


neo, la materialización dle futuro

The second individual in the top "Most Powerful Digimon" that is not really a Digimon. In this case it is a material manifestation of the future.

There is no one or anything known to be able to confront it, as it has enough power to erase everything that exists and even recreate it in just a few thousandths of a second.

The limits of this "entity's" power are unknown.

Mother Eater

mother eater, la entidad más poderosa vista en todo el universo digimon

And to close with the most powerful Digimon we have the third being that is not truly a Digimon, but the main unit that relates to all the Eaters.

The Eaters are beings of an ultra-dimension, superior to both the digital world and the real world, and transcend reality and the multiverse themselves. Additionally, they possess the ability to manipulate existence at a conceptual level, so the laws of physics and chemistry of any multiverse are subjugated to their will.

Digimon Evolutionary Stages

  1. Level Baby
  2. Level Training
  3. Level Rookie
  4. Level Champion
  5. Level Perfect – Ultimate
  6. Level Supreme – Mega
  7. Level Mega – Mega Ultimate
  8. Level Mega+

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