Champion Level Digimon

Champion (or Adult) Level is one of the lowest combat levels a Digimon can possess, with level 1 and 2 still being Baby stage Digimon levels. So the first level where a Digimon can fight is at Stage 3 (Novice).

Post content:

Digimon Adventure

Greymon, Garurumon

Ikkakumon, Kabuterimon

Togemon, Birdramon

Angemon and Pidmon

Darcmon and Gatomon

Digimon Adventure 02

ExVeemon, Raidramon, Flamedramon

Digmon, Submarimon, Ankylomon

Aquilamon, Halsemon, Shurimon

Pegasusmon, Stingmon, Nefertimon

Digimon Tamers




Digimon Frontier

Lobomon, Agunimon

Beetlemon, Kumamon, Kazemon

Duskmon, Loweemon

Ranamon, Mercurymon, Arbormon and Grumblemon

These digimon that seemed so powerful (or at least they seemed that way to me) are also Champion level, and have over five hundred species of Digimon above them in the power hierarchy.

Devimon, LadyDevimon, MarineDevimon, IceDevimon

Some antagonists are actually Champion level; That is, only the fourth level of power, within the seven steps that there are, and only the second level if we exclude those of the Baby Stage from the list.

Kinkakumon and Ginkakumon

They are known as the feared Gold and Silver Ogres, but their level is still equivalent to that of a Champion digimon.


In Digimon Fusion this digimon is one of the most powerful antagonists, serving as general of the most powerful dark army of the moment.

Digimon Evolutionary Stages

  1. Level Baby
  2. Level Training
  3. Level Rookie
  4. Level Champion
  5. Level Perfect – Ultimate
  6. Level Supreme – Mega
  7. Level Mega – Mega Ultimate
  8. Level Mega+

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