Top Code Geass R1 – Most Epic and Favorite Moments

Top 10 of what I consider the best and most epic moments of all Code Geass R1 episodes, giving my opinion and always being delighted to read your comments and opinions on the matter.

Top 10 Most Epic Code Geass Moments

Code Geass Top 10. Lelouch erases hisI died so that Mao does not discover his plan.

Lelouch has to deal with Mao, a sociopath who can read thoughts and also threatens to murder his sister.

At the end of this episode we see Lelouch on the verge of collapse because he cannot do anything to cancel Mao's plans and save his sister, and it is impossible not to feel the desperation that the protagonist transmits to us, since neither he nor we know at that point. moment that he had erased his memory so that Mao would not find out that he had tasked Suzaku to rescue his sister.

lelouch pensando en su hermana nunally tras perder contra mae
lelouch tras perder contra mao una partida de ajedrez

Code Geass Top 9. Zero realizes that soldiers are not chess pieces.

Lelouch designs a strategically perfect plan as he had done until that moment, but faces his first defeat for not taking into account that the rebels he leads are people and not chess pieces.

His intention was, through a few sacrifices, to reach the commander of the enemy army and kill her, but in the middle of the combat the men he had recruited for this became afraid of being in the front line of fire and decided to flee, leaving him alone.

Zero pierda su primer encuentro contra Cornelia

Code Geass Top 8. Zero eliminates the terrorists.

Japan is full of terrorists who hate Britannia and the repression they have been subjected to for being Japanese, but they do not have enough technology to fight their conquerors, so they are always forced to take hostages to fight.

Up to this point Lelouch had collaborated with terrorists to defeat the enemy army, but it is here that he finds himself with enough strength and allies to confront a group of terrorists from the country and declare in public that he founded the Black Knights, not to fight against Britannia. , but to fight against anyone who takes advantage of defenseless and vulnerable people, thus making it clear that they would fight for Japan and defeat the Britannian army on the battlefield.

Zero y los caballeros negros rescatan a los rehenes del hotel

Code Geass Top 7. First appearance as Zero.

After obtaining his Geass, Lelouch steals a knightmare from the enemy army and intercepts the communications channel of a group of five terrorists who were cornered by Britannia.

Without any hesitation he leads them, anticipating each of the movements of the enemy general and prince and ends up defeating about forty troops without losing any of his five men.

The prince of Britannia, after seeing that his strategies and those of his first general have been read without any effort, exclaims with great fear on his face: «Who is it?! Who am I facing?", implying that a few movements from Lelouch were enough for Britannia to realize that they were not facing five terrorists, but a really intelligent enemy leader.

El príncipe Clovis se da cuenta de que no está peleando contra un terrorista común

Code Geass Top 6. Euphemia declares the Independent Zone for Japan.

After many attempts by Britannia's best strategists to defeat Zero, Euphemia li Britannia appears, a very innocent teenager and the only princess of the empire who advocates peace and hates violence.

Everyone sees her as a really useless girl to lead a country, due to her high empathy and benevolence, but she is the first person to put Zero in check after declaring that she is committed to creating a special zone where the Japanese live free of Britannia. organizing themselves as they wanted without being discriminated against or subjugated.

This first check is due to the fact that Lelouch had planned to create an army capable of confronting the Emperor of Britannia, to capture him and obtain all the answers he needs about his past, but upon hearing Euphemia's declaration of peace we can see on his face how All their plans fall apart, because without discrimination and repression the Japanese would no longer have reason to fight against Britannia.

Euphemia presenta la zona independiente para japoneses
Lelouch se da cuenta de que no va a tener aliados si no hay odio

Code Geass Top 5. Lloyd is afraid and Rakshata is infected.

For me, personally, this is a subtly epic moment, as the scene is as follows: in the middle of Ashford Academy and with very few troops and knightmares, the two best scientists on each side are fighting to obtain and rescue a piece of very important technology. However, in the middle of the battle a girl appears with a knightmare who at first glance has no weapons.

As soon as he sees him, Lloyd, a scientist from Britannia, gives the order to all his subordinates to withdraw from that area, as he realizes that this unarmed knightmare is carrying the first model of atomic bomb in history.

The truly epic thing about this scene is that Rakshata, from the Black Knights, without having a single clue what was happening, just seeing that Lloyd, someone as intelligent as her, was trembling with fear, does not hesitate for a second to give He also gave his men the order to retreat and flee from the battle.

Lloyd asustado tras ver la primera bomba nuclear
Rakshata se asusta al ver a Lloyd asustado

Code Geass Top 4. Death of Euphemia.

Without a doubt, the most memorable moment of the first season; where we see that Lelouch, like any other human being, makes mistakes and does not always have everything planned.

In this case, his Geass gets out of control and his recklessness leads to the death of Euphemia li Britannia, his first ally and the kindest person within Britannia.

After her death we realize how important this princess was as a pillar within the series. Everything becomes extremely chaotic and it is the first time we see Suzaku with a thirst for blood, Cornelia not knowing what orders to give her army and the Japanese rebelling against Britannia without fear of dying.

Euphemia en su lecho de muerte

Code Geass Top 3. Lelouch abandons his men to rescue Nunally.

Shortly after Euphemia's death, the Japanese are fighting the last battle against Britannia, led by Zero, with the aim of obtaining their freedom; However, in the middle of the battle, when everything is almost done, Lelouch receives the news that his sister has been kidnapped, and without hesitation he leaves the battlefield and leaves everything in the hands of his commanders, refusing outright. completely to continue giving orders, since his only priority is her.

The battle was very much in favor of The Black Knights, but they were still fighting against a professional army, and the disorder when it came to acting and the demotivation due to the lack of charisma and success on the battlefield quickly became evident.

Everyone at this moment begins to feel hatred towards Zero for abandoning them at the most important moment in their history, and the generals begin to highlight how impossible it is to coordinate so many movements without having the leader of the Black Knights.

Meanwhile, Lelouch flees the battlefield, putting Nunally's well-being before that of hundreds of thousands of people who had trusted him until that moment.

lelouch abandona el campo de batalla

Code Geass Top 2. Euphemia fights Geass.

Lelouch's Geass is presented throughout the entire series as the power to give absolute orders, since even the survival instinct is nullified when you receive an order from Lelouch.

On the other hand, Euphemia is presented as the kindest and most benevolent person we have met in the course of the series, and so much so that, when Zero's Geass gets out of control and she receives the order to exterminate the Japanese, she becomes being the first and only person in the series who has resisted obeying an order of this absolute power.

Even on the verge of dying, unable to get the order to kill the Japanese out of her head, she worries about all of them and their well-being, and asks Suzaku how they are and if they are happy. Furthermore, it seems that he is unable to think about killing Suzaku, who is also Japanese.

Later Lelouch also comments on this very peculiar situation, regretting his great mistake and mentioning that Euphemia had an instinct to help much greater than the survival instinct of any other living being, and that simply harming others was something that was completely out of his nature.

Euphemia intenta resistir las órdenes del Geass

Code Geass Top 1. Promise to his Sister.

The starting point of the series, and for me, what gives value to this work is its totality: Lelouch promises his sister that if one day she regains her sight, she will not see anything that will make her sad.

The affection he feels towards her is so great and he gives so much importance to the value of his word that throughout the entire series we see how he fights solely and exclusively not to break his promise, and to ensure that the person who has always been with him Be happy, even if it means risking your life to change the world.

Mi momento favorito en code geass: Lelouch y su promesa a Nunnally
Lelouch y la promesa a su hermana
La promesa de Lelouch

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