Chess Personality Test – 16 Personalities – Chess

Nowadays, chess has become a fairly popular discipline among the world's population, and although it is far from being as popular as other sports, it is undoubtedly a game that arouses great interest and It has a large number and variety of players. Each one with their level of play, and their style, and their personality when playing chess, which is exactly what we will analyze in this entry, according to the data and the classification it offers us, where The playing style is divided into 16 chess player personalities, dependent on 4 intrinsic characteristics that are divided into:

Aggressive / Positional

Create difficulties for the rival / Improve your position

Entering complicated positions by intuition / Calculate everything to the maximum

Nerves during the game / Completely calm while playing

Without a doubt, the chess personality of the modules today is a 100% Professional style, but that is not so common to see in players, since each one pays attention and gives importance to different things.

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Chess Personality Types

MASTERMINDSee personality


Players of this chess style and personality seek to dominate their own emotions and impose their reality on the chess board. A mind like these players always looks for the right move, and believes that attacking is the right way.

They typically choose offensive openings, and win with incredibly deep calculations, producing combinations that are highly hidden in properly constructed positions. Masterminds thrive in complicated positions, where their precise calculation skills and nerves of steel give them the advantage.

Example: Alexander Alekhine.

alekhine personalidad mente maestra

CHAMPIONSee Chess personality


Those who are defined by this chess style and personality are great fighters who play for the attack, but do not like to take undue risks.

They are emotional players who use those emotions to increase the intensity of the game, both for themselves and their opponents.

Deep, deeper calculations that get to the heart of the position are his forte. They are universal players, and they won't go crazy looking for a win if it just isn't there.

They are quite willing to play a quiet ending if that is what the position demands.

Example: Gary Kasparov.

kasparov personalidad campeón



This chess personality is made up of those who believe in justice and the principles of chess, and use passion and calculation to prove their beliefs.

Capable of carrying out brilliant attacks, but he will only do so if he thinks it will be accurate, as he does not like to speculate, which is why heMany times they tend to be the ones who face an attack, and who counterattack when they see that the opponent's movement is not objectively good.

They also experiment, and try different ways to expand their chess horizons.

Example: Wilhelm Steinitz.

steinitz personalidad científico loco

PROFESSIONALSee Chess personality


Players with this chess style and personality are strategists who highly value the accuracy of their game and rarely let their emotions get out of hand. They like to keep things under control, they do not like to take undue risks, either by attacking the opponent or allowing themselves to be attacked.

On the other hand, they do like to exploit long-term weaknesses.

Although they deal with long-term strategic and positional factors, they are not based on vague and intuitive judgments; For them, chess is an exact and calculated science.

Example: Mikhail Botvinnik.

botvinnik personalidad profesional

BARBARIANSee personality


Those who play chess have this personalityor he beats around the bush. They hunt the opponent's king from the beginning to the end of the game. They are attacking players who are willing to accept many risks, calculating complications and dangers that will make the opponent squirm.

They put their heart into the game and it is very common for them to become demotivated in the middle of a tournament if they are doing poorly or, on the other hand, to become very motivated if they are doing well.

They are not the type of player who offers draws, and their main objective is to create convoluted situations on the board in order to beat their opponent through calculation.

Example: Hikaru Nakamura.

nakamura personalidad bárbaro

KILLERSee Chess personality


This chess personality represents specialists in controlled attack. They tend to play aggressive openings and look for attacks on the opponent's king. But they do not attack savagely or carelessly, since everything is exactly calculated to achieve their objective.

I often play “against the pieces” rather than “against an opponent.” They will not alter their own game even for psychological advantage.

Example: Bobby Fischer.

fischer personalidad asesino

ESCAPAPISTSee personality


This chess personality represents very positional players, sometimes creating a lot of tension on the board and close battles.

Why is this happening?

Because these types of players, trying to destroy their opponents in very positional ways, force the opponent to sacrifice material and take risks, seeking to make their opponent attack while they defend with great calculation, until the game is simplified and they play with a material advantage. .

Example: Viktor Korchnoi.

korchnoi personalidad escapista

SURGEONSee Chess personality


This chess personality represents players who immediately look for tricks in the position and fight for victory in any situation.

They usually don't get an advantage in the first moves and sometimes they are even the ones at a disadvantage, but they are smart and know how to fight. Nerves of steel and great calculation are your basis for finding winning resources and creating an advantageous environment in your game.

Example: Emanuel Lasker.

lasker personalidad cirujano

ROMANTICSee personality


Players with this chess personality are full of good ideas. These can be positional or attacking, but they are always unusual and unique.

This type of player does not usually win by over-calculating his opponent, but rather by finding some unexpected and unusual concept that his opponent was not expecting.

They are almost always very emotional and can therefore be very distraught when they lose, but their mood also means that when things are going well, they can be incredibly bright.

Example: Vasily Ivanchuk.

ivanchuk personalidad romántico

NATO STYLESee Chess personality


People with this chess personality are complete players who look for a good initiative, maintain control of their emotions and follow their intuition instead of constantly looking for exceptions to the rules of chess. You are always looking for reliable openings and risk-free positions.

They don't often win by trickery, but once they get an advantage, they are unstoppable. The products of your intuition place great value on remaining calm and rarely find themselves under time pressure or in uncontrollable situations.

Example: Viswanathan Anand.

anand personalidad estilo natural

GENIUSSee personality


Players with this chess personality seem to decide their moves by pure guessing. With little to no calculation, they decide where to place their pieces and then simply place them there. You could say that you feel the pulse of the position. His combinations are generally short, simple, but they transform the game in a deadly way. They do not look for complications and therefore draw many games, but rarely lose. Sometimes it seems that he is bored with chess, but this is actually an illusion, he cares more about the game than anyone else.

Example: José Raúl Capablanca.

capablanca personalidad genio

TECHNICALSee Chess personality


This chess personality represents extremely calm chess players.

Strategists who rarely attack directly and prefer to silently exploit positional advantages, thus, “technicians” use their exceptional intuition to guide their positional play, rarely losing control.

This type of player exploits almost invisible positional weaknesses to win in the end game. They do not like to take many risks and therefore rarely lose, but they also win less than more aggressive players.

Example: Vladimir Kramnik.

kramnik personalidad técnico

MAGICIANSee personality


People with this chess personality are the best attackers. They don't care too much if their game is objectively correct, they prefer to follow their intuition and fantasy, creating complications and confusing their opponent.

A magician sees chess as a creative art, and creative art cannot be held captive by stern and fixed principles. These players can calculate well, but sometimes they do so quickly and carelessly, using their calculation to support what their intuition tells them. They especially enjoy the unusual and spectacular, and can often become bored with slow maneuvers.

Example: Mikhail Tal.

tal personalidad mago

PRODIGYSee Chess personality


Players with this chess personality are the ultimate athletes. They play aggressively and fight for victory from start to finish, but place the highest value on maintaining emotional control and taking advantage of every opportunity that comes their way.

Prodigies do not aim to prove any theories, or create great works of art (although this often happens); For them, winning is everything… because winning is simply more fun.

Example: Magnus Carlsen.

carlsen personalidad prodigio

SNAKESee personality


Those who have this chess personality seem like peaceful players during the game because they keep preparing the best threats against their opponent.

They usually reject direct play and obvious confrontations, preferring to build a position where the pressure is maintained.

They tend to be very attached to their own ideas, almost to the point of seeming that for them the outcome of the game is secondary, pBut don't be fooled, since once you are where he wants it will be very difficult for you to escape defeat.

Example: Aaron Nimzowitsch.

nimzowitsch personalidad serpiente

MORTARSee Chess personality


Those who have this chess personality are players with a simple style that always hides the intention to win. They don't need to know opening theory to beat you. They don't need to have an advantage to beat you. They don't even need to have an equal position to beat you.

These players have good positional skills and are usually more comfortable in late games. They are attuned to their opponents' weaknesses, which they use against them. On the other hand, they often know their own strengths and limitations quite objectively, and make good practical decisions.

It is difficult to take advantage of the weaknesses of this type of person, and you will rarely be able to take advantage of their mistakes if you try to do so through pressure.

Example: Anatoly Karpov.

karpov personalidad mortero

16 Personalities in Chess – End

If you want you can leave a comment with your ELO and your personality type, or add or refute any information that you believe is incorrect or can be improved.

1 thought on “Test Personalidad Ajedrez – 16 Personalidades – Ajedrez”

  1. I am currently close to 1700 ELO points on and I have an Assassin personality: Aggressive and looking for the opponent's imperfections, but always calculating well and calmly. What is your case? You can take the test (in English) through the first link shown in the article, or you can decide for yourself which one fits you :p

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