Daily Anime and Personal Growth Message – Aug 30, 2023

Why don't you succeed?

Last weekend I read Teppu, a short manga about mixed martial arts (MMA).

Teppu is a manga with excellent quality in all its fights.

The Kengan fights or the Psycho Pass fights are unrealistic compared to what we see in Teppu.

We no longer talk about Kenichi's fights, Holyland, nor many about Baki.

So... why is Teppu soooo little known in relation to Kengan, Baki or Kenichi?

The answer to this question can solve your life.

Why are the majority of excellent engineers, draftsmen, etc., mediocre failures? Why don't they succeed?

As simple as stopping for a second to think about what people really want:

Do people want excellently detailed MMA fights where the protagonist spends 5 chapters doing a perfect arm lock with a shoulder anchor perpendicular to the torso disabling the ulna and radius in his main locomotor joint?

I don't even know what I just said.

In the same way that most people do not know what the best engineers in the world talk about, nor do they know the value of a well-detailed drawing from the best draftsman in the world.

People want to see kicks to the face, fights with a fast pace of punches, and an epic KO.

People want to see the fast-motion result of advances in engineering, and they want to enjoy a good drawing without stopping to think about all the study and work it has cost the artist.

If you are (for example) a great engineer or a great draftsman but you make a living off the salary your boss pays you, let me tell you that you have no right to call that “succeeding.”

If you are good at something you have to know the public that will need your services, condense your work into two or three brilliant details, and deliver it chewed up to all the people who need it.

Teppu has not succeeded nor will it ever succeed because its writer wanted to show how much he knows about MMA, and did not stop to think at any time about what his readers would really want to see in a story about MMA.

Don't misunderstand me. Teppu is a manga that I found entertaining. But it has fallen far short of being a masterpiece for the reason I tell you: the author wrote it for himself, not for others.

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