Daily Anime and Personal Growth Message – Aug 23, 2023

I was terrified of speaking in public. My only consolation was knowing that everyone is terrified of speaking in public. But I still felt that I was especially worse at it than the rest of the people who were also panicked.

Think Tamaki from Boku no Hero, or Hinata from Naruto, or Legoshi from Baestars.

He had something in common with all of them, and I'm sure he has something in common with all of them: you have to present in class and your legs begin to toughen.

My impression was that I was much worse at public speaking than the rest. Worse than Legoshi and even worse than Tamaki, but as you can imagine that was just my impression. Only when experiencing it in first person everything feels more intense.

The thing is that I was born an introvert and nothing was going to change the fact that I was afraid of speaking in public. Or so I thought.

Let's not fool ourselves either: that fear will always be there, but you can make it smaller by simply reading some tips and practicing at home.

You don't have to always be so pathetic. Let's be honest: if at twelve years old you are frustrated by not being able to speak in public and at forty years old you are still frustrated by being just as bad at public speaking, there is only one notable problem:

You enjoy playing the victim much more than looking for solutions.

In chapters 2 and 3 of the book How You Think of Anime, That's Your Life I talk to you about these two problems (constant victimhood and public speaking) and I give you some advice to overcome them, always mixed with stories and examples from anime.

You can get a copy at: https://portalfriki.com/como-piensas-del-anime-asi-es-tu-vida-comprar-libro-amazon/

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