The best 32 Habits for your personal development

Which are the best habits that a person can acquire for personal development? In this post I talk to you about 32 habits proposed in a YouTube video from a personal development channel, and ordered according to my own criteria and experience.

In case you want to take a look at the video (in English), it is about 32 Habits Ranking from the YouTube channel ImprovementPillChannel.

Furthermore you can Leave in the comments which ones you think are the best of these 32 habits, and share some other extra personal development habits that in your own experience has been beneficial and positive.

mi ranking de los 32 mejores hábitos de desarrollo personal

Post content:

32 Habits of Personal Development – Ranking according to my experience

As an introduction to myself, I have to say that until relatively recently (until 2018-2019 more or less) I had been someone who was quite messy and I liked to improvise things, and solve 100% problems on my own, without any kind of help. external.

I think this approach to life is not at all bad when you are young, but as you grow and acquire more and more responsibilities and tasks to carry out, it is very convenient to know how to leave your ego aside, and be able to focus on being an efficient person, rather than an effective person.

An efficient person is aware that the time and resources you can spend on a task are limited, and that dedicating 100% of your personal resources to a task is never the best option. That is why it is so important to make this transition. You will realize that seeking outside help to resolve sooner some problems that have already been solved a thousand times in the past is a feasible option, that it is not necessary to leave everything impeccable to do a good job, and that distracting yourself from your chores is also part of the problem. knowing how to work correctly.

For me, this approach and the need to simultaneously carry out the development of many projects and small daily tasks made me realize that acquiring good habits was a fundamental part so that I could then work much more efficiently on the rest of the projects. That's why I want to talk to you a little about, Among these 32 personal development habits, the ones that have worked the most for me to maintain a good mental hygiene and be able to focus much better on productivity.

Essential Habits

I believe that the following personal development habits are essential for anyone who wants to be productive and efficient. They are not really complicated, and you will certainly be able to feel their benefits on a recurring basis, if not daily.

1.- Socialize / Maintain good social relationships

habito desarrollo personal socializar

I don't know if socializing would be a habit for personal development, but it is certainly something you should dedicate time to in your life.

It should be noted that I do not believe that this is the first step that anyone should take when beginning their correct personal development, but it is undoubtedly the most important and where almost everything should focus in the end: Take care of your environment and learn to understand the circumstances of all people.

Beyond meeting friends and meeting new people, I understand this habit in the following way: Force yourself a little to understand social relationships, and how to interact correctly with people. There are very extroverted people who have no idea about socializing, and every few months they have a new group of friends because they have ended up arguing with people in their immediate environment, at work, etc...

This obviously cannot be achieved with a text manual. You have to dedicate conscious time from time to time, meet people to talk to and hang out with, etc…

It seems to me to be the most important habit that anyone can have. Once you know how to create healthy relationships, understand the people in your close circle, contribute something positive, negotiate, learn from them, etc... that is when you are able to take any other aspect of your life to a much more solid level.

At the end of the day you will always be surrounded by people, and even in situations where you can manage on your own, it will be more effective to have the right people and trust to work hand in hand.

2.- Exercise

habito desarrollo personal hacer ejercicio

Within personal development habits, I think doing some exercise is one of the easiest to acquire, and at the same time one of the most positive habits there is.

It's simple: when you exercise your body gives you almost immediate positive feedback: on the one hand, you clear your head for a short period of time and it helps you slightly improve your mood. On the other hand, it will be a matter of days before you begin to notice improvements in your physique, and that is also a good increase in self-esteem and self-love.

Without a doubt, any personal development routine and any example of healthy living has to include constant exercise. It is very important to clear your head for a while almost every day, and it is incredibly beneficial to have such immediate, positive feedback from your brain.

3.- Manage your finances

habito desarrollo personal gestionar finanzas

Finance should be a mandatory subject from high school. There is no doubt after seeing the 99% from people around you. If you turn 22 and do not have at least €5,000 in your bank account, you have done something very wrong. What you have done very badly is called: managing your finances.

Money is something that is difficult to get, but that easily disappears. At the same time, since they are only numbers, it is possible (and should be essential) to have strict control of their fluctuations.

Managing finances is not only being able to save, but also understanding that money attracts money. You have to maintain a good balance between what you spend, what you save and what you INVEST. It doesn't matter where you invest it, but train yourself in this area and learn to use part of your money to generate more money.

If you spend your savings on renewing your closet or buying the latest video game that has been released, but instead you are afraid to invest in the stock market or pay for an online subscription to an application that allows you to optimize your time or start a small business, let me tell you that you should rethink your finances.

Money does not bring happiness, but being completely consistent with your financial situation helps a lot so that the lack of money does not cause you stress, anxiety, etc... and it is very advantageous to acquire this habit when your burden of responsibilities is not yet very great.

4.- Visualize your objectives

habito desarrollo personal visualizar tus objetivos

I want to take this habit of personal development one step further: project your ideas until they influence your identity.

It's always good to visualize yourself being a successful writer, or finishing your degree with extraordinary grades, but as soon as ambition comes, it can disappear. That's why you don't have to stop at visualizing a goal one specific afternoon and that's it. It's important that you shape your identity around it.

Do you want to write an incredible novel? It is not enough to visualize yourself winning the Cervantes Prize five years from now. Start writing at least a little every week, and if someone asks you, say proudly that you are a writer, or at least that you dedicate yourself to writing, and that they can read it and give you their opinion about it.

The moment you start doing an activity with pride and you are passionate enough to commit and identify with it is when you have started to walk the right path. Until then they are just birds in the head.

Of course, your identity can later change. You can get tired of something and that's perfect. But at least to focus seriously on something, it is essential that for a time your identity is molded almost unconsciously to that of a person who is professionally dedicated to it.

5.- Work on personal projects

habito desarrollo personal tener proyectos personales

Is there anything more satisfying than having your own goals and being able to achieve them? This is one of the fundamental pillars of personal development habits, in my own judgement.

It is not only the fact of being able to leave a small 100% legacy developed by you, but the amount of competencies, skills, knowledge, etc. that you can acquire as you strive to develop your idea.

Truly, the amount of skills you can learn in this process is impossible to imagine when you only contemplate from the outside the possibility of developing your own idea.

This habit does not need to be explained further. Propose a challenge, or something you want to do little by little. Developing a personal project formally should take you (at least) a couple of years, so don't try to start something in a hurry; You will see that the beauty of this habit is being able to learn new things every week about something that you thought you had a decent control over.

When after a few years you get your personal project rolling you will be able to look back and see how little you knew.

This experience can be extrapolated to everything in life, and makes you aware that due to a confidence bias you tend to overestimate your abilities to do things that later are not so easy or fast.

6.- Written organization

habito desarrollo personal organizacion por escrito

I have to admit that as a child this habit gave me chills. I didn't understand how people could take notes, make a written to-do list, etc... but now I certainly consider it as another of these small personal development habits that are an essential pillar for any productive person.

I don't know if that helped me develop good neuroplasticity when I was little; I like to think so. In the end, until I was 17 I forced myself to pass all my school courses based on memory and logic. I barely used paper and pencil because I was too lazy to write.

It is also true that passing nine subjects without doing a single exercise or note is much easier than maintaining a VERY well-organized life when you are already 24 years old. Now I am no longer looking for minimum effort, but for maximum efficiency and, if possible, effectiveness. For this reason, it is essential to keep a good record of everything that is important to you.

In the end it ends up saving you time and mental resources. The potential of your brain is not infinite, so it is better to invest time in documenting and keeping a written record of what you will need, and dedicate your brain capacity to all the remaining aspects that really require intelligence (and not memory) to be completed.

For example, all my finances are recorded and controlled by me (in addition to my bank's records); I also have a big to-do list, sorted by importance and urgency, as well as a list of interesting ideas that occur to me (at the moment they are just ideas but in the future they could be projects). It's also great to write down your ideas because this way you let them "mature." Maybe something that seems like a wonderful idea to you today, you read in two months and realize that it was stupid.

More things I keep a written record of: documentation of changes and organization of this blog, of the discord community, of the development of some video games I've made, of books and mangas I've read, of interesting people I can learn from something, information and basic learning from courses that I have taken over the years, English and Mandarin vocabulary, interesting reflections that I hear or that occur to me on the bus or before going to sleep, etc... I could go on for a long time.

Writing down all these things takes me maybe two minutes a day, and in very specific moments when I need that information it saves me an appreciable amount of time and mental effort (my head is usually on a thousand things at the same time and remembering specific data like a change of blog 10 months ago or the name of an entrepreneur from whom I want to seek resources is not easy).

In general for all this I use Notion, which is an incredibly versatile web and desktop application. I also use Excel and WhatsApp for more specific cases. Especially WhatsApp helps me write down ideas or tasks very quickly, and then I can move them to Notion for good tracking and let them rest for a few days. Other times these ideas or quick tasks don't even go through Notion.

6.5.- Learn English

habito desarrollo personal aprender un idioma

This habit within the 32 habits of personal development is really "learning a language", but I want to make a conscious distinction between the habit of learning a language and the habit of handling some English every day.. I consider that there is an outstanding difference between these two interpretations.

If you do not master English enough to watch a cartoon series and understand the 99% of the vocabulary, please keep in mind that this should be an essential habit. Where are you going without knowing English? And I don't mean that English is important for your CV, etc... It's just that according to Wikepedia 61.3% of internet content is in English, compared to the 3.9% of the content in Spanish.

Personally, I haven't searched for anything in Spanish on the internet for years (unless it's something very technical and specific). It's stupid. You will find 15 times more help if you know how to search in English and understand the explanations correctly.. If you do not have a good level of English: dedicate about ten or fifteen minutes (minimum) every day.

Almost every day I read comics in English, watch videos on YouTube and also series in their original language. If I don't know a term or expression, I stop for a second, look it up in WordReference, write it down in my personal glossary and continue with what I was doing. I have a C1 level of English and even so every day I write down one or two new words. Obviously I am not going to remember this very specific vocabulary forever, but as soon as you have had to write a word two or three times, you will have a much clearer idea of its meaning and use.

Very important habits

These personal development habits may not have a personal benefit that can be appreciated on a daily basis, but they are undoubtedly very important and are positive for having a good week, or month of work.

7.- Maintain good personal care

habito desarrollo personal cuidado personal

I was wondering whether to include this personal development habit in the "essential" section, but I'm going to choose not to. This habit is somewhat similar to exercising. Taking care of your image gives you a great amount of self-esteem and confidence, and unconsciously your brain will perform better if you maintain a formal and well-kept image.

Even so, I don't think that on a conscious level it is as positive a habit as exercise. Maintaining good hygiene, shaving, shaving a little even if you're lazy, etc... are always things that feel good even if you don't feel overly accomplished and sometimes you don't know where to allocate the time for it.

The truth is that until recently I took care of my image and hygiene when I saw that it was necessary and I could take some time out. Now it's the other way around: in my schedule I dedicate some time to taking care of my image. This means that I don't neglect my beard as much, I make the effort to buy clothes when I see that the ones I already have are getting old, etc...

Honestly, I still feel lazy when it comes to it, but it is psychologically comforting to archive this small and simple personal victory every day, plus it brings small advantages on a social level. It has been proven that a person who takes care of their image is usually perceived as a more friendly, attractive and trustworthy person (human beings are like that, and if we have to judge at first glance, we prefer to give preference to the person who invests time in themselves).

It should be noted that I do not relate this personal care habit to maintaining basic hygiene. That is taken for granted, for the record.

8.- Study

habito desarrollo personal estudiar

Dedicating some time each week to studying is a great habit. It will help you have a huge amount of tools at your disposal when necessary.

It is not necessary (far from it) to study a university course or attend a training course for 30 hours a week. Studying can mean dedicating 2 hours of your weekend to learning basic theory on any topic. It is not important to go too deep because the brain is usually not good at retaining very specific information, but it is very healthy to study to get the basics of many topics.

On the one hand you keep your brain in shape, and this is just as important as keeping your body in shape. On the other hand, the feeling of self-realization is quite positive every time you force yourself to sit down for a while and learn something new. Then it is also very convenient that you demonstrate in some way that you have learned new things.

I take the exams or homework of some online courses really seriously, and I usually tell the people around me that I have homework or an exam to do (even if they are almost self-imposed), to avoid distractions of this type. If it is a YouTube course or without a demonstrable qualification, I like to make summaries and I leave them on the blog so I can refer to them if I need them in the future.

Finally, acquiring knowledge and enjoying the process will later give you a huge range of tools. Is jack of all trades master of none a negative expression? Okay, then train yourself very well in something. If you identify with the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of your craft" you already have your life figured out.

You will have something to work on formally, and then you will have many reliable sources of information to solve problems that arise in your daily life; because that's what life is about. And the more trained you are, the easier it will be for you to face problems. In most cases the difficult thing is not solving them, but knowing where to start.

In addition to all these positive aspects, studying for a while each week also helps maintain good neuroplasticity. If you always keep your brain in shape, it will always be easier for you to learn and adapt to new situations.

9.- Reading habit

habito desarrollo personal lectura

Reading is perhaps one of the personal development habits that I would most like to practice in relation to the little time I can currently dedicate to it.

Nowadays what I read the most is manga and manhwa, and I like that they have aspects to learn from: about psychology, business, etc... as happens with God of Blackfield and A Man's Man (reviews). However, it is true that I would like to take time to read more books; both fantasy and personal development and growth, and believe me, it won't take me too long to achieve it, but for now we will have to postpone it a little longer.

Still I am aware of the immense power that reading has. You can combine reading for pure leisure with reading to learn, and it is a very comforting mix that will bring great value to you as an individual. Being able to learn from other people more experienced and wise than you is one of the best qualities that this habit will give you.

10.- Listen to podcasts

habito desarrollo personal escuchar podcasts

A really agile and very useful habit. It is not essential for your life (exercise or finances are), but it is essential for your personal development.

As soon as you as an individual are satisfied with everything around you and want to expand those horizons and grow, the next inevitable step should be this. Do not listen to podcasts as such, but learn from other people. You can play Spotify while you eat, as if it were the radio, or watch a YouTube video of someone you consider a good reference, etc...

I am currently creating a list of references in different fields (one day I will share it here on the blog), and from time to time I look for new interviews or masterclasses from these people. Many of them share invaluable advice, experience and personal stumbles without any profit motive. It is the best opportunity you will have to grow and develop as a person.

Until relatively recently I really enjoyed overcoming any 100% challenge on my own. It seemed like a very good exercise for the brain and ego.

Imagine being so vain as to re-invent the wheel every day... Now it seems stupid to me. Sometimes wanting to be intelligent blinds you and makes you an idiot. He who is truly intelligent learns from others, both from their successes and their failures. It is undoubtedly the fastest way to progress, and the best of all is that in the 21st century you can coordinate these small talks with other activities: while you eat, hang the clothes, brush your teeth, etc...

Therein lies the great potential of podcasts as a tool and habit.

11.- Sleep early and the necessary hours

habito desarrollo personal-acostarse temprano dormir bien

I'm going to take the liberty of not treating this habit as "sleeping early," but rather as "sleeping the right hours."

It is very important to listen to your body, and rest the hours it asks of you. Obviously if you are at work or at university you are going to have to be disciplined (and coffee), and even if you are dying of sleep you will have to endure. But in the rest of the cases, please, listen to what your body asks of you.

You don't have to be physically exhausted; Just by noticing that your brain is not performing at its maximum potential, you could take the liberty of taking a short nap or resting while lying down.

If you lead a shitty life, your body may ask you to sleep all day. In that case, you should start by acquiring other habits and improving your pace of life. I personally need a lot of sleep. I usually get my required eight hours of rest at night (although I have a hard time sleeping and need to go to bed two hours earlier. It's a bitch...).

Also when I get home from work I always take 20 minutes. It's great for me rest and organize ideas If I don't fall asleep :p Then, as I mentioned above, I usually lie on the bed or couch for about 15 or 20 minutes whenever I notice that my brain is not performing even half of its potential.

Good habits

Personal development habits that for me are subtly positive fall into this category: I don't consciously notice them in my daily life, but I know that they are there, and that they are favorable. Any small contribution counts.

12.- Practice a skill

habito desarrollo personal-practicar alguna habilidad

Without a doubt this is one of the most entertaining and healthy personal development habits. You can propose it as a personal challenge, and every month, or every year, etc... learn something new skill (make a Rubik's cube, do a backflip, go skateboarding, cook, play chess...). The possibilities are endless, and it's always great to know the more things the better.

You can also get out of your comfort zone a little more, learn to enjoy other hobbies, have skills in environments other than yours... and above all, prove to yourself that you can learn to do anything you want, and have a better repertoire. of hobbies to enjoy.

If you are not currently practicing any small hobby or activity that challenges you personally, I strongly recommend that you spend some time thinking about what you would like to learn, and that you start with it, dedicating some time to it each week.

13.- Writing habit

habito desarrollo personal escribir.

I suppose that writing is a habit that also greatly promotes personal development, although I practice it very little.

Writing you can write things of any kind. I spend the day writing, but with the goal of organizing myself correctly and not forgetting tasks, ideas, etc... so I include that in the "written organization" habit more than in this one.

I also usually write for the blog you are now reading, and It is essential to know how to write well, for any area of your life. If you write a lot unconsciously, you will get used to writing much better, with better structure, making fewer spelling mistakes, etc...

On the other hand, I also understand this habit as the competence to write stories, or give free rein to your creativity by capturing those ideas in writing.

Although it is true that I love writing poetry and that I started writing a mini-novel that one day I will finish, it has been a long time since I have had enough time to dedicate to this hobby.

Taking it as a habit and forcing yourself every day to get ideas and put them on paper will be very useful for your brain to train its creative side, and for you to be able to see the progress of this work, so it wouldn't hurt to take time and sit down. every day to write a poem, a mini-story, or to advance the story of a novel (if you know how to draw you can even write a comic, and you will learn a lot in the process, I assure you).

14.- Learn a language

habito desarrollo personal aprender un idioma

It's not crazy to challenge yourself to learn a new language. This It will open many doors for you in the future, keep your brain active and exercised, and make it easier for you to learn other languages in the future.

In my particular case, I study Chinese, because it seems to me to be the most important language after English, but you are free to choose any language that you like or find practical.

In reality, I've been learning Mandarin Chinese on Duolingo for a little over two years, and I haven't learned more than the most basic things: I don't know how to write, and I probably pronounce everything really badly (pronunciation in Mandarin is really fucking awful), but I'll still tell you this with confidence. quite proud. Today I am also reading books for children of 5 or 6 years old, to reinforce what I learn and show myself that this small daily effort is really paying off.

Once again we return to one of the main habits: projecting your ideas and changing your own identity a little. If I considered this a waste of time or did not have the firm intention of learning Mandarin when I have more availability, I would not tell you that I study Chinese, because the progress with Duolingo is almost laughable. But it serves as a base for me, and to record a small victory every day that I maintain the 10 minutes of study. From here I will build a better structure of my Mandarin when the possibility arises. But I can certainly tell you that I study Mandarin and I will end up speaking it well in the future.

15.- Cook your own food

habito desarrollo personal cocinar tu comida

Stopping to cook every day is a habit that at first may seem like a waste of time, or a rather lazy household chore, it can change drastically when you really take it as another habit.

You are going to adopt the habit of The time to make food is a time of day that you have to dedicate to yourself. You can think about ideas or events that have occurred, listen to a podcast or relax by watching a YouTube video..

On the other hand, this habit can be taken a level further: Not just making yourself some macaroni as a starter and a steak and fries as a main course, but actually learning how to cook. It's something I still have pending, I'm not going to deceive you. But it seems like a very promising core competency to me.

Little can give a better image of yourself than having guests in your home and being able to prepare them a good plate of food with a certain level of complexity. Learning every week to cook a new dish with a certain standing must certainly be something comforting, but if you can then demonstrate it in front of more people, I am sure that that day you will no longer need anything else to give your 100%.

Don't you have the typical family member who sometimes makes you a paella or some dish with many ingredients and spends weeks on end? Well, it's normal, because cooking for other people is something that feels very good. This is truly a subject that I have very much pending, and every time I see a dish that tastes especially good I write it down in Notion so that in the future I will know which recipes I am interested in devoting time to first.

16.- Do housework

habito desarrollo personal-hacer las tareas del hogar

Housework, in most cases, is also a matter of hygiene, personal care, etc... and in turn adds another of those famous "small victories" to your daily life, whether you like it or not, they are quite comforting. It is not a personal development habit that is going to improve a bad day (in fact it usually makes it worse), but if you take it with a good attitude and things are going, it is easy for this habit to give you an extra mini boost each day, to continue with a good rhythm.

On the other hand, there is a very interesting quote what does it say: "fix your room, and then you fix the world«.

This means that To start doing things well, it is important to have an orderly, clean environment, and start this personal care from what is closest to yourself.. When you have your house tidy and your household chores finished, that is when you should also start to question other types of problems that surround your life, and get to work on them. But only once you have your house in order.

17.- Wake up early / Get up early

habito desarrollo personal madrugar

This habit of personal development is closely linked to another that we will see below. It is important to get up early within what is acceptable (for example, I get up at 9am on weekends) because First thing in the morning the body is especially rested and prepared to perform properly.

I am a night person, I have no doubt about it, but once your body gets used to it and you are able to psych yourself up to be productive in the morning you will realize that it works for you much more than at any other time of the day.

No need to wake up at 9am. It can be at 10am or a little later, but without going overboard. Try it: rest your corresponding hours, get up a little early, prepare a list of tasks to do and tell me.

18.- Watch personal development videos

habito desarrollo personal videos de desarrollo personal

This is another very interesting and versatile little habit for your personal development: acquire motivation through external sources.

Although the spirit and your motivation to do things are definitely essential on a daily basis, I simply believe that this habit is not as important as the previous ones because by complying with all the habits higher than this one you will end up achieving good personal development.

Still, it is never bad to be able to learn from other people. Most of these videos have incredibly deep reflections, to reflect on them for a while and maybe (hopefully) start to see life from another perspective. You can find many of those phrases here.

So give these videos a chance from time to time, like a podcast. You will surely get some small valuable reflections for the future.

19.- Take advantage of the sunlight

habito desarrollo personal aprovechar la luz del sol

This subtle habit is somewhat linked to getting up early. Consists in work with light whenever possible, and even better if it is sunlight. That is why it is so important to get up early and use the first hours of daylight. Thus the brain progressively wakes up with the light and releases all the energy accumulated during the hours of sleep.

Even when the sun is setting, I find it important to make an effort to work with the light that is left, and then keep the room well lit. The habit or custom of Working with light and resting with darkness and gloom is also very powerful, and will help you maintain a good rhythm of life., to be productive in the cycles in which you have to be, and to recover energy when it begins to be most necessary.

Habits with small impact

Next we are going to see the rest of the personal development habits that I myself can speak about from experience. They are still habits with a more subtle impact than the previous ones, but they still continue to provide a constant benefit to those who practice them.

20.- Eat at regular times

habito desarrollo personal-comer en horarios regulares

In the same way that it is very comforting to have a good sleeping rhythm, I would like to think that it is quite healthy to have a good eating rhythm. The body and brain ultimately appreciate having fixed guidelines for doing each thing.

It can even give you a little self-discipline and good spirits to hold on when your stomach growls a little, and then you can give yourself the satisfaction of satisfying that hunger within your established schedule.

21.- Take care of your language

habito desarrollo personal cuidar tus palabras

Taking care of your language seems to me to be a subtly powerful habit. It may seem stupid, but Your words are part of your identity, and they also shape it to a greater or lesser extent.

In the same way that a messy room will make you more likely to resort to disorder in other types of situations, language that is too vulgar or carefree will make your environment tend to be more negative as well.

It's not a question of the image you give to others, mind you. It is a question of the image that you provide about yourself to your brain. And this is incredibly relevant.

Additionally, using different languages in different scenarios will cause your identity to also change slightly between different environments. This is not bad at all. The normal thing is that the necessary capacity for effort, rigidity, etc. is very different in different environments. You can't be as strict at work as you are when you're out partying with your friends, and you can't be as relaxed when you're working as when you're out partying.

Force yourself to have a slightly different language and you will see how slightly and unconsciously your attitude and identity will also follow your words.

22.- Rest your eyes

habito desarrollo personal descansar la vista

I don't know if I have much to comment on this habit. It simply consists of looking away from the screens from time to time. It is something recommended by any eye doctor, so it cannot be a bad habit.

I have already mentioned that from time to time I take the opportunity to lie in bed for ten to twenty minutes to organize ideas, rest my brain, etc... but in the process I also rest my eyes almost without having considered it as a specific habit.

Rest your eyes, kids.

23.- Learn to play an instrument

habito desarrollo personal aprender a tocar un instrumento

I sincerely believe that learning to play and practicing regularly with an instrument is a good and entertaining personal development habit.

A while ago I started with the harmonica, in honor of my grandfather, because it is an instrument that he loves, but little by little I had to give it up. I didn't have the time for all the dedication that learning to play an instrument well requires (even though I think the harmonica is simple compared to other possibilities).

For this reason, it is a habit or hobby that I recommend practicing whenever you have some free time for it each week. I can't tell you much about its benefits, since I don't really know them, but at the very least you will feel better and disconnect from the outside world for a short period of time.

24.- Keep a personal diary

habito desarrollo personal tener un diario

Having a personal journal I am sure is a very powerful habit in personal development. In its day it could have been one of the healthiest options to consider.

With it you can keep track of your daily life, your productivity, your mood, etc... and that is wonderful. However, today I believe that there are much more complete tools, which encompass everything that a regular diary can encompass, and much more.

As we have seen in position number 6, it is not only necessary to take note of your productivity or emotions. In fact, this section is almost the least relevant when you lead a decently productive life and with a regularly positive state of mind. So in the end the personal journal seems like a bit of an old-fashioned habit, from my perspective.

25.- Maintain good posture when sitting

habito desarrollo personal sentarse bien

Maintaining good posture when sitting is another habit highly recommended by medical specialists. I always try to keep my back comfortable, and without strange positions, but beyond that I don't usually give it much thought. I spend almost all of my day sitting in a chair (like Clarita) but if I maintain some basic standards of what my back asks of me, I think I'm not doing too badly. We will see in a few more years.

26.- Stretch daily

habito desarrollo personal estirar

I have to admit that I have never stretched without the intention of exercising afterwards. I suppose the usefulness of this lies in keeping your muscles slightly active, waking up your body a little for the rest of the tasks, and clearing your mind.

I personally don't find it very useful if we compare it with other habits with a similar purpose. If it just so happens that you are going to do some exercise afterwards, it seems like a much better idea to dedicate even five minutes to stretching correctly.

27.- Drink a glass of water when you wake up

habito desarrollo personal beber agua al despertar

Well yes. Why not? This habit has been unconscious to me since I can remember. I always drink a lot of water and as soon as I am not well hydrated my body instinctively asks for it. I don't know what particular benefits the stay well hydrated since I've been used to it all my life, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have a glass of water when you haven't had a drink for 8 hours.

28.- Make the bed

habito desarrollo personal hacer tu cama por la mañana

Making the bed is honestly a habit that I have never understood. For what it's worth, I don't think it's much more useful than the previous post.

Improvement Pill commented in his video that it serves to file a small but quick first personal victory in your daily life. It didn't seem like a bad argument at all, but hey, that doesn't mean that it doesn't seem like the least useful habit of all those in the ranking.

Personal development habits I haven't tried

The following personal development habits are those that, even though they are in the 32 habits video on YouTube, I have not been able to try personally, so I do not dare to give them a specific ranking on this list. Even so, I am going to try to talk about them (from ignorance), with the information that I have heard about them in my daily life.

29.- Meditate

habito desarrollo personal meditar

As I mentioned before, as far as I've heard, Meditation is one of the healthiest habits for personal development that exist. It helps you in a lot of ways, but it is also one of the hardest habits to build.: Until you manage to meditate well, perhaps you need to spend several months meditating daily without really understanding what to do, or how you should feel.

I would certainly like to try it and dedicate the time it deserves, because of all the good reviews it has and how comforting it must be for oneself, but unfortunately I don't have that much time in my daily life; not even in my week. I hope in the future I can learn to meditate well.

30.- Shower with cold water

habito desarrollo personal ducha de agua fria

It has always seemed like the habit of psychopaths to me. What a hobby it is to take cold showers, being able to put your warm water on and enjoy a pleasant and relaxing shower.

Anyway, I think I should try it someday. The guy in the video sold it to me very well, and If you start researching this you will see that it has many benefits for the body and mind. It's certainly something interesting.

31.- Make self-compliments

habito desarrollo personal autocumplidos reafirmativos

I've never tried it, but if I stop to think about it, it seems like a very powerful habit. Your own psychology and self-esteem play a crucial role in good personal development, and dedicating a moment of the day only to telling yourself how much you are worth and all the virtues you have, I am sure, is a very effective way to raise morale. and that your brain can face any other situation of the day with better spirit.

How many times do we leave the house with a poker face without anything to motivate us? Carrying out this habit is a daily reminder that there are many reasons to face the day well, and if you see it differently it is because you have not stopped the necessary time to think about all the good things you have both as a person and in yourself. around.

32.- Learn to dance

habito desarrollo personal aprender a bailar

“Dancing” as a habit sounds really good. Is another of those routines that one can have to completely de-stress, empty one's mind, and think more clearly.

I personally do not dance, and I have never practiced this habit, but I am sure that everyone who dedicates some time of their week to dancing does so because they find great internal tranquility, release a lot of stress, and are able to better reorganize their ideas. .

I would love to learn to dance in the future (as another competition, rather than as a habit) because it seems like a good personal challenge and it would undoubtedly give me a little more confidence in environments where you have to move a little to the rhythm of the dance. music. Even so, in my case I would include it more within the habit of "learning a skill" than within the habit of "dancing" as such.

Summary of these 32 Personal Development Habits

All these habits play a very important role in the personal development of each individual.

Although it may seem counter-productive, It is never good to dedicate all your time and resources to a single objective or a single task; That is why habits exist, which play an essential role in psychology and greatly help productivity., as a result of following a positive and healthy routine, which in the vast majority of cases helps to disconnect and rest your mind a little, as well as providing you with necessary and very useful tools to face problems in the future.

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