The Value of Promises and the Importance of Symbols

Very good to everyone. I want to dedicate this blog article today to briefly talk about the meaning and value that for me the fact has to give your word, or make promises; Well, I consider that today it is something that is used very lightly: it is increasingly easier to swear or promise things, and it even seems that certain people are bothered by receiving reproaches for not meeting the expectations of their promise.

I am the first who, by giving great weight and value to this symbol, has often been disappointed when I understand that the other person either had no intention, or forgot to meet the expectations they proposed in the first instance. And although, personally, I have never been one to reproach anyone for anything, it is information that I give a lot of importance to and that I like to take into account for future decisions.

Maybe it's just me, I'm eccentric like that, because I see that most people don't give it nearly the same importance that I give it.

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What is the value of a promise?

Based on my personal experience, each individual gives a different value to promises, because in the end, it has almost become customary to use them as a resource to thank a gesture, or give hope at a specific moment.

This should not be the case under any circumstances, since simply promising something is not a matter of kindness or gratitude, but a matter of personal integrity and being consistent with yourself.

Giving your word or making a promise is not a gesture, but a symbol.

la importancia de los valores

This is the biggest confusion that people make: by promising something you are not making a good gesture, but rather you are betting a piece of your honesty, responsibility and determination, and therefore, also betting on your value as an individual in society.

Fiction series, personal values and the importance of keeping your promises

A Lannister always pays his debts

importancia de las promesas en juego de tronos

This famous phrase from the Game of Thrones series is not even the motto of the Lannister house, however it is much more important than the motto itself, and the Lannisters know it, because it is not just a well-sounding phrase, but that goes much further and It represents the values on which the entire family is structured.

Values such as commitment, responsibility or being completely consistent with your actions are essential for the rest of the people to trust you and create a healthy relationship, where regardless of interests, each person knows what to expect from them. of the other.

Code Geass and the value of promises

Continuing with the fiction series: there is only one reason why Code Geass is for me is the best anime ever, even above Psycho Pass, whom I consider an almost equal rival, and this reason is the value that the protagonist of Code Geass, Lelouch, places on the promises he makes.

Code Geass is a dystopian, strategy, mecha (robot) anime, with moments of gigantic emotional value, etc... but if there is something for which it stands out enough to be my number one, it is because All the characters have very strong personal values and all the symbols are given great value., especially to promises and oaths.

el valor de las promesas en code geass

That's why for me the basis of all of Code Geass revolves around the promise that Lelouch makes to his sister in the second chapter. It is something that many people have not stopped to think about, but the entire development of the story revolves around this moment, and how the protagonist keeps his word until the end, risking his own life and that of an entire country alone. to show his sister that she can count on him for whatever she needs.

Are symbols really that important?

It is undeniable that there are symbols that have more value than others, just as there are symbols with a negative connotation, or to which unethical behaviors have been culturally attached, but even so these are essential for any human being, who, in the first instance, is a social being.

In order not to resort to examples with which we all agree, we are going to try to make sense of a couple of controversial symbols, with which not everyone is happy or values the same:

The police force:

Because the police are not each of the individuals that form it, but a gigantic symbol belonging to the executive power of the State.

Although it is difficult for many people to accept it, the police is the symbol of security that all citizens of a country have, and although its management is carried out in a better or worse way, and its members represent the symbol to a greater or lesser extent who work, this does not mean that it is an essential part of the functioning of society.

I am convinced that many people hate the police without making any distinction between individual and symbol, and this is a great example of having a very big mouth for a very narrow mind. What would happen if the Executive Branch of a State disappears? There may be police that they are bastards, but police itself is much more necessary than anyone who criticizes it.


A symbol that I barely defend today, because despite having such a noble origin as the union of people, this concept has become so deformed that it is more common for it to represent ideas such as discrimination, xenophobia or racism.

In my personal experience, the flag is a greatly corrupted symbol, since it seems that the colors are more important than the meaning; and even when its meaning of union is given weight, it is done from a point of view with toxic values such as selfishness or arrogance.

el símbolo de las banderas

But even with all this, the flag was an incredibly important symbol at its time, managing to unify millions of people to work together and avoiding a large number of conflicts between small communities.

What do you think about the value of symbols, promises, etc...?

After explaining why I consider keeping your word to be so important, I would now like to know your opinion on the matter. You can leave a comment about the value of the symbols, the promises, or what you consider most relevant.

I hope that this article has made you stop and reflect even a little, and if not, I encourage you to spend a minute organizing and understanding your own ideas on this matter. Greetings ^^

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