The cube

Film Trilogy

cube, directed by Vincenzo Natali, was a film from the year 97 suspense and fiction which presents a plot that I think is very interesting, and for this reason I want to recommend it, along with its two following continuations:

In all three films the protagonists wake up in cubic rooms, and discover that they are surrounded by more and more cubic rooms and that they have no resources to survive, so they instinctively decide that they need to get out of there.

In the first and third adaptations (Cube 1997 and Cube:Zero) the protagonists deal with deadly traps in some rooms, and focus much more on survival psychology and bloody scenes, even with a touch of mathematics, talking about permutations, prime numbers, exponents and factorizations; and both are the films that have good reviews within the trilogy, since fans have not accepted that a film like the second has been recorded, even though in my opinion it is by far the best.

In this second work (Cube 2: Hypercube) film, there is almost no blood to be seen, and the desperation that the characters suffer when seeing their companions die is not treated in such a remarkable way, however it is an adaptation that provides much more mystery and a theme that fascinates me: tesseracts.

In Cube Hypercube the protagonists are locked, in some unknown way, in a four-dimensional cube, so they are forced to face problems that even today's science is unaware of.

Ideas such as movement and permutations within a 4D figure, alternate realities, or even the Big Crunch, and this is why I find it so interesting.

I highly recommend taking a look at this trilogy, although if you don't have enough desire or time, you can only watch the second one (which is the one I liked the most, although in the opinion of fans it is the worst of the three).

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