Intelligent Life Simulations – Do we live in a simulation?

In 1999 The Matrix raised the crazy idea that we could all be living in a computer simulation. Today, humans have managed to create artificial intelligences and simulations with their own consciousness, where organisms appear that self-regulate and almost have the ability to develop complex ideas on their own. If we as a human race have achieved this...who assures us that we do not live in a simulation and are intelligent life programmed by a superior species?

Today I want to take a walk analyzing some historical events in which technology took a great leap, until we reached the levels of technology that we have today, and that allow us to generate very complex systems with characteristics very similar to the consciousness of an individual. human.

simulación de vida inteligente

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Is it possible that we are a simulation of intelligent life created by a superior species?

The evolution of technology and computer simulations

1970 – The game of life

In 1970 the British mathematician John Horton Conway laid the foundations of his famous game Game of LifeThe game of life), where you can see how an infinite environment containing zeros and ones evolves. In this way, and with established rules, a predictable system of on or off boxes is generated that can lead to incredibly complex combinations.

game of life para simular vida

This black box system in a white box environment can lead to more black boxes, to motion of the black squares, either even to his death. Thus creating a very simple simulation of what could be considered a form digital life.

1999 – One of the first GTA appears

Many years later, technology evolved and games like GTA appeared, in which it was necessary to simulate basic artificial intelligence so that cities could enjoy life and movement, thus generating bots with more or less predictable behavior, but no less alive.

2013 – First super simulation of the universe

Our ability to process enormous amounts of data on computers increased considerably in the years to come, so much so that in 2013 a super simulation of the universe was created, from the big ban to millions and millions of years in the future, where simply letting the super computer applying the known laws of physics, groupings of galaxies, galaxies and even star systems with planets orbiting around them came to appear. Needless to say, each of these planets has its particular physical and chemical conditions, where volcanic activity, earthquakes, etc. can occur... Something never seen before.

2015 – Sophia, a humanoid robot, is created

Along with this type of games and simulations, the technology that allowed the creation of increasingly complex and varied artificial intelligences also evolved, leading to the creation of models such as Sophia, a humanoid robot who was born in 2015 and two years later obtained citizenship in Saudi Arabia, as it is impossible to distinguish their behavior from that of a human normal and ordinary, despite being able to be differentiated by her unconventional physique.

She continues to travel the world today, with the same dreams and aspirations that a normal person could have, since all her learning as an artificial intelligence was destined to ensure that Sophia had the characteristic behavior of any human being.

sophia, ell robot humanoide con nacionalidad saudí

2015 – Second super simulation of the universe – Have we managed to create intelligent life?

If in 2013 we saw the Illustris simulation model in action, in 2015 we found its predecessor, IllustrisTNG, a super simulation model also focused on recreating the big ban based on the known laws of physics. In this supercomputer the calculations were even more complex, strict and precise than in the previous model, so much so that the supercomputer took two months to recreate the calculations for the first moments after the big ban.

This computing model can accelerate the speed at which the laws of physics work, allowing researchers to jump several million years into the future in short periods of time, while observing how planets, star systems, galaxies, etc. are created. …

With all this level of precision and calculation, it would not be surprising if on one of the millions of existing planets a chemical reaction has arisen that has given rise to living organisms, or even intelligent organisms, who would feel as alive as you. or like me, even though for us they are just code generated by a super-precise supercomputer.

Unfortunately, this computer-generated universe is so vast that it is taking researchers years to study just a few galaxies and star systems, so investigating each planet independently looking for a living organism may become unthinkable today. today.

Anyway, here it comes up the famous question:

If today we have enough technology to simulate universes with living organisms... How can we know that we are not a super simulation of intelligent life created by a more advanced species?

meme sobre la idea de vivir en una simulación

2017 – OpenAI defeats Dota 2 champions with artificial intelligence

Until this year, various artificial intelligences had learned to play chess, Go, etc... starting from very basic rules, and had far surpassed the level of play of any human, however another historical milestone emerged in 2017, when OpenAI programmed an intelligence artificial for the purpose of learning to play Dota 2, an extremely complex team computer video game, where the coordination of each member and the infinite combinations of tasks that existed every second in the game made it impossible to play by a computer that needed to calculate everything.

That same year, the decisive game was played, where the world champion team faced an artificial intelligence that had played millions of games against itself until it was able to overlook millions of uninteresting decisions and filter out those few team strategies. that could be useful at every moment of the game. In this way the unthinkable happened, and a computer managed to win for the first time in history against the best team of humans in a video game without strictly defined rules or strategies.

2020 – OpenAI creates GPT-3, an artificial intelligence that auto-completes text

This doesn't seem like a big deal, since any mobile phone today has a built-in text generator that tries to complete the sentences that you as a user are writing. However, we all know that it is not the most precise technological tool in the world, and that it often fails to auto-complete the text as the user would like.

With this purpose, GPT-3 was born, an artificial intelligence that was coupled to Google and for several months had access to any text file that was accessible from the famous search engine, in order to create patterns and understand how humans communicate through of written language.

Several months after it began collecting information on the GPT-3 network, it was put to the test, and something was discovered that not even its own programmers had been able to predict:

GPT-3 not only completed any text perfectly, but had gone much further, and in order to be able to auto-generate the text that the user intended to write, this artificial intelligence had developed many other skills: With just a brief introduction of the topic to be discussed in the text, she is capable of writing fake news, scientific articles, doctoral theses, and even working as a translator, chat-bot, imitating documents or conversations of famous people and programming applications.

If you write something like: «The code needed to create a web page with a red button in the center would be:» she is responsible for generating the rest of the text, which in this case would be the programming code that you have asked for.

Conclusion – Smart Life Simulation

As the famous Elon Musk said in an interview, the logical conclusion reached is that there really is the possibility that our entire consciousness is a simulation achieved through a supercomputer, however the very fact of being part A simulation would make it impossible for us to discover the truth, so everything remains a highly enigmatic idea that we can reason with but not discover.

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