The best Rappers in Spanish – My favorite rappers

This is a small ranking of what for me, personally, are the best rappers in Castilian Spanish. Three rappers who for my personal taste are immovable references of rap culture, another two of them that I also admire enormously and whose songs I enjoy a lot, and then six other honorable mentions of rappers who cannot but be considered the top of the world. Spanish rap.

I understand perfectly that each person can have their own tastes and points of view, and that there will certainly be rappers who are great references of hip-hop in Spain without me having had the pleasure of listening to them too much, or perhaps even knowing them.

You can leave in the comments your top favorite rappers in Spanish, and a song from each of them that stands out above the others, and this way we can all meet new references and good songs.

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What kind of rap do I personally like? – Rap as poetry

Although it is true that rap was born with the objective of transmitting a certain social criticism through music, over the years it has evolved on the streets around the world, until it has a great variety of styles and themes.

At a certain point, and due to the way in which rap songs are structured (often standing out for their metrics and literary resources), it was inevitable that it would also evolve towards the terrain that had once been occupied only by poetry. This is how many rap writers began to play with the lyrics of their songs, looking for touches of creative originality, and leaving aside pure social criticism to also explore their own limits, and to express themselves as an individual rather than as part of a group. the society.

Many of these rappers have not sacrificed part of their message to achieve a better metric and lyrical structure, but rather they have been able to express their great metric and exploratory capacity without losing any of the essence of what they want to convey.

With all this explained beforehand, you can already deduce that I enjoy rap more, the closer it is to poetry (the little that I have written It is almost a study of language), since writing about one's own life, or about society's problems and having rhythm is not that difficult: there are even websites that already give you ready-made rhymes. What is truly admirable is being able to convey all this by truly dedicating time to writing, and taking care of your verses.

My favorite rappers – Best representatives of rap in Spanish / Castilian

These are really my favorite rap artists in Spanish; However, I know very little about Latin rap culture, and that is why I do not want to encompass my favorite artists in such a broad framework (although I am sure I could), such as rap in Spanish (Castilian + Latin) which I don't know myself. We will then say that they are my favorite rappers in Spanish.

Honorable Mentions – Best Rappers in Spanish

Subze – Gold

Rafa Espino – Another Night

ZPU – Wake

Chojin – The World Keeps Turning

Lonely – Interview

Other topics: A gift to the world.

Solitario is (for me) the most unrecognized rapper on this list. With the great work of publishing rap with excellent content that he has been doing for years, I find it surprising that not too many people know him.

It also happens to me that I have a small love-hate relationship with Solitario, because the message in his songs and the great social criticism he makes seem magnificent to me, but at the same time he focuses so much on the message that sometimes it is difficult to hear it. His songs always have the same rhythm and the same editing resources, so it is often impossible for me to listen to his lyrics as often as I would like. I just get tired, and I can't help it easily.

But he's on this list because his message conveys more than any other Spanish-speaking rapper, and I can say that without a doubt. His work is full of very deep and valuable reflections on society and everything that surrounds it. Listening to him is almost like reading a short thesis on philosophy or sociology.

Ambkor – Free

KHAN – Enrique Rico Hidalgo

khan freestyler y rapero español

What are my favorite KHAN songs?

Top 1 – KING
Top 2 – 5
  • Midnight
  • Fame
  • Stand By
  • A bullet

Rayden – David Martínez

rayden letrista español

What are my favorite Rayden songs?

Top 1 – Meat Mathematics
Top 2 – 5
  • Careo
  • Living in Gerund
  • Syrup Lies
  • Making Accounts

Nach – Ignacio Fornés Olmo

nach hip hop español

What are my favorite Nach songs?

Top 1 –
Top 2 – 5
  • Urbanology
  • You were not nor will you be
  • Legend
  • Thinking out loud

Anxiolytic Brock – Jesús Fernández

brock ansiolítiko rapero de españa

What are my favorite Brock Ansiolítiko songs?

Top 1 – So Broken
Top 2 – 5
  • The deepest
  • Don't tell me stories
  • Red Threads
  • Paris

Ozelot – Fernando Valero

ozelot rapero y poeta español

What are my favorite Ozelot songs?

Top 1 – Eating without hunger, sleeping without sleep, fucking without desire
Top 2 – 6
  • Personality test
  • The zero mass man
  • The carbon cycle
  • Why does something exist instead of nothing?
  • The monster

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