The two brothers responded exactly the same: "It was my only alternative to having a father like the one I had."

kirk franklin frases sobre los hermanos gemelos

Quote / Famous Phrase – Kirk Franklin

Two twin brothers were raised by an alcoholic and drug addict father. It didn't take long for one of them to try alcohol and drugs, and he fell into a bad life as soon as he grew up. He lived working to pay for all his vices.

The other brother did not take long to look for resources to undertake and maintain a healthy mind. He created a successful company and lived surrounded by a good environment.

Years later a man asked both brothers the same question: How did you end up where you are now?
The two brothers responded exactly the same: "It was my only alternative to having a father like the one I had."

Kirk Franklin

Phrases and tips to think

This quote from Kirk Franklin is nothing more than another of those obvious phrases and advice that you were already aware of, but that sometimes it is necessary for someone to verbalize it to you because perhaps it had been a little hidden among your ideas and thoughts.

Whether you're convinced by this little horoscope or not, you can generate another random phrase or quote and try your luck again, or go back to the main advice menu and read them on your own:

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