Prodigy – Intuition – Attack – Dynamic – Cold Mind



The prodigy player is the definitive athlete. They play aggressively and fight for victory from start to finish, but place the highest value on maintaining emotional control and taking advantage of every opportunity that comes their way.

Prodigies do not aim to prove any theories, or create great works of art (although this often happens); For them, winning is everything… because winning is simply more fun.

Recommended Openings:

White: Ruy López, Queen's Gambit

Black: Ruy López, Sicilian Defense, Grunfeld


carlsen personalidad prodigio

Magnus Carlsen (born 1990), Norway, the current world champion, perfectly exemplifies the prodigy player.

A universal player with an intuitive understanding of chess. Much of Carlsen's success can be explained by his psychology, which is completely free of fear. He rarely makes mistakes of any kind, and always plays trying to win positions even when the advantage is minimal or non-existent.

His finishing game is excellent, and his constant pressure in every position eventually leads his opponents to make mistakes. Carlsen is currently the highest-rated player in history.

See the 16 Chess Personalities

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