Google Bard AI – The new competitor of ChatGPT and Bing

Google new AI bard, search engine,
New AI from Google, Bard

Google's new AI, Bard, gets off on the wrong foot

just 4 days ago Google announced on its Twitter its new AI named Bard, which will be added to its Google search engine to enhance it just like Microsoft is doing with ChatGPT.

Although this move has not gone as expected for Google's parent company, Alphabet, and in its original advertisement already deleted, we could see how this AI made a mistake by providing an incorrect answer.

In this query, Bard was asked to tell a 9-year-old boy about the discoveries of the James Webb Space telescope, in the answer he said that this telescope was the first to take photos outside the solar system, when in fact this was achieved by a European telescope in 2004.

What has this error meant for Google?

Since Google's announcement and error, its parent company Alphabet, has lost more than 7% of the value of its stocks in just a couple of days, this translated into numbers is around 100 billion dollars, an enormous loss.

The Future AI War in Search Engines – Google Bard vs Bing ChatGPT

Since the free and public launch of ChatGPT, we have witnessed the greatest rise and publicity of AI in history, allowing ChatGPT to reach 100 million daily users during the last week.

Meanwhile Microsoft, which invested 1 billion dollars in the startup Last year 2019, it announced that it is working with OpenAI to implement ChatGPT in Bing very soon, the Microsoft search engine that everyone seemed to have forgotten until now.

This has scared Google and rightly so since since Microsoft announced this news, Edge and Bing have become some of the most downloaded Apps in mobile device stores.

Hence Google's interest in announcing its future AI for its search engine, Bard, although for now it has backfired.

This means they still have a lot of work to do if they want to catch up to or surpass ChatGPT. The AI war in search engines has just begun.

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