God of Blackfield – The best WEBTOON Manhwa of the Moment?

Very good! Today I come with another brief recommendation. This time it is a reading in korean comic format, also called "manhwa", either "webtoon«, and it is neither more nor less than God of Blackfield: a story that I think is not as incredibly popular as other manhwas, and yet I liked it much more than any Korean popular work I have read so far.

recomendación del manhwa coreano god of blackfield

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Korean Manhwa Recommendation: God of Blackfield

What is God of Blackfield about?

God of Blackfield is the story of, perhaps, the best soldier of the French elite forces, who at the age of 29 had been in charge of fighting in many wars on the African continent and his nickname was already known on almost any battlefield: God of Blackfield or "The god of the black land." His legend spreads throughout the continent until he is killed in battle for the betrayal of a comrade.

After that, is mysteriously reincarnated in the body of a young 17-year-old Korean boy who was in a coma after having attempted suicide some time ago.

Since your case doesn't make any explainable sense, He decides to keep quiet and use his 29 years of experience and his attitude as one of the best soldiers in the world to move this 17-year-old boy's old life forward., and embarks on a rather crazy adventure in which he needs to solve all kinds of issues: bullying at school, making his parents happy, staying in shape, helping and starting some businesses, etc...

Why do I recommend the God of Blackfield manhwa?

Although the premise of this webtoon sounds a bit absurd, the development of this work has me hooked: we follow the day-to-day life of our protagonist, the God of Blackfield, who with his firm and honest attitude, great intelligence and a lot of self-confidence manages to overcome all his problems and even create new friendships and start great businesses.

I am enjoying this manhwa so much for two reasons:

1.- The fight scenes are really good and exciting.

2.- It is quite motivating to continue your daily life, since although I can't explain why, seeing the success of the protagonist through a lot of effort and great self-confidence is very contagious to get energy and get oneself to exercise and continue moving forward with one's personal projects.

I suppose that perhaps, if you are in a very idle stage and you are not thinking about starting any project or maintaining a routine right now, God of Blackfield is not the ideal manhwa for you, but you can still give it a try and tell in the comments what you think. it has seemed.

I read it in English on mangameta.org, but I'm sure you can find it on many other pages ^^

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