16 Personalities and Intelligence

The relationship between each profile of these 16 personalities and intelligence It is widely studied today, however there is no known study that shows the relationship between each profile and IQ.

He MBTI test of the 16 Personalities It is really popular on the internet, and you can easily find hundreds of graphs that relate each profile with one or another attribute, so in this post we will briefly analyze How each of the 16 personalities and intelligence are related as a whole.

As I mentioned before, in this study carried out on more than 14,000 students, to fall within the definition of gifted person The IQ was not measured, but rather other important aspects for psychologists of the University of Merryland which I will now comment on.

portada de 16 personalidades y la inteligencia, con Albert Einstein

Post content:

What is intelligence?

According to Wikipedia Intelligence can be described as the ability to perceive or infer information, and retain it as knowledge to apply it to adaptive behaviors within an environment or context. In summary: is the “unit of measurement” used to describe learning speed of a subject.

Although the hypothesis of Multiple intelligences proposed by neuropsychologist Howard Gardner, in this article I will discuss the relationship between the 16 personalities and intelligence studied by NAGC.

The 8 Intelligences and their MBTI Profiles

As a quick summary I leave you the 8 intelligences that Gardner proposed and some profiles that I think stereotypically fit quite well with each one:

  • Intelligence Mathematical logician: INTJ, INTP
  • Intelligence linguistics:
  • Intelligence space:
  • Intelligence musical: ISFP
  • Intelligence bodily-kinesthetic: ESTP, ESFP
  • Intelligence intrapersonal: INFP, INFJ
  • Intelligence interpersonal: ISFJ, ESFJ
  • Intelligence naturalist: ENFP

Personality and Intelligence

Returning to the main topic and as I mentioned before: there are data and studies with enough population to draw some conclusions that relate each of the 16 personalities and the intelligence measured by NAGC.

What does it mean to be gifted?

This association that is dedicated to dealing with gifted children describes a person with this quality as: any individual whose performance in one or more areas is significantly superior to that of an average person of the same age and experience.

Complementary to this definition there are 6 main parameters with which to identify someone gifted. These are:

  • Intellectual Giftedness.
  • Academic Giftedness.
  • Outstanding performance in a specific academic area.
  • Leadership.
  • Visual and kinesthetic arts.
  • Creativity.

Study Results

gráfica que relaciona cada tipo de personalidad con la probabilidad de ser superdotado

In this graph we can see in a very visual way that there is a gigantic difference between the percentage of geniuses that make up each type of profile.

It seems incredible that there is such an unequal distribution, especially considering that the study covers various types of intelligence, but the reality is that if you belong to the profile INTP It is more common to be gifted than to have average performance, while if your profile is ESFJ It is to be hoped that you are not going to stand out outstandingly in anything :)

Graph Interpretation

The data shown in the bar graph above indicates the number of gifted people there will be for each person with average performance in the same profile. In this way, for every INTP that presents a normal performance, there will be 3.4 that have an outstanding performance.

gráfica de barras que representa la probabilidad de ser superdotado según tu perfil mbti

This graph shows us the probability (out of 100) of being a gifted person depending on your MBTI profile.

It must be taken into account that the National Association for Gifted Children does not use IQ to extract this data, thus explaining the high percentage of each profile.

If we were to average the data collected by Mensa based on IQ, only 2% of the population would fall into this definition.

What do we observe?

As we can see in these graphs, the distribution of the data follows a very specific pattern:

Being an Analytical person is undoubtedly the most influential factor in presenting good performance in the six areas measured in this study.

Gráfica de barras que muestra la probabilidad de ser superdotado según cada atributo medido por el test de las 16 personalidades

Among Analytical people, those who are Introverts take the top four places, with first and second place being those profiles who, in addition to being Analytical and Introverted, are guided by Objectivity.

While being Introverted and Analytical increases your chances of being gifted, being Extroverted and Practical appears to drastically reduce them.

Gifted Population

gráfica circular que muestra la probabilidad de pertenecer a un determinado perfil mbti si eres una persona superdotada

This other graph represents the 100% of students with outstanding performance, and each section shows us the number of gifted people that would represent each of the 16 personalities.

As we can see, among the profiles ANDNFP and ISTJ They almost cover 30% of the entire gifted population. This is not so strange if we take into account that they are two profiles with an average performance and that they represent a large percentage of the world's population.

It would seem obvious to think that if you fall within the definition of "gifted" you are probably INTP either INTJ, but as we see, that is not the case.


Relationship 16 Personalities – Intelligence

Although at first one may think that there is no relationship between personality and intelligence, this study shows us the opposite: the distribution is so irregular that it would be strange to think that there is no link between these two.

Still, it is also worth noting that This study does not guarantee that this profile-intelligence relationship is real., and if so, Nor can we find out if having a certain type of personality predisposes you to be more intelligent, or if, on the contrary, it is the fact of being intelligent that determines having one or another profile..


The main study from which I have extracted data and some images and which relates the MBTI test of the 16 personalities and the intelligence described by NAGC is called “A Synthesis of Research on the Psychological Types of Gifted Adolescents”, and was carried out by Ugar Sak, from the University of Arizona and originally published in the psychology department of the University of Maryland.

This study was carried out on more than 14,000 adolescents. You can find below the link to the summary (in English) from which I have extracted these data, since I have not found the original study anywhere. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/245099206_A_Synthesis_of_Research_on_Psychological_Types_of_Gifted_Adolescents

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